Are you a Visionary? Or maybe you’re a natural-born Integrator? Well, then what’s an EOS Implementer? These are the three key roles in any entrepreneurial business running on the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®). So what’s the difference between the three?
EOS Implementer
An EOS Implementer is an entrepreneurial evangelist. The people who own this role live and breathe entrepreneurship. Implementers are external parties who don’t work for the businesses they support, but who make it their life’s work to help them succeed.
The Implementer is often compared to a business coach, but they’re more than that. EOS Implementers serve a combination of functions.
- Teacher – EOS Implementers teach entrepreneurial leadership teams a set of simple, practical tools to help create context for them around the Entrepreneurial Operating System and help them get more of the right stuff done every week.
- Facilitator – An EOS Implementer serves as a mediator for the leadership team. They facilitate discussion into a common answer that can be executed. The EOS Implementer doesn’t tell business owners what to do or have the “right” answer. Business owners decide that for themselves.
- Coach – EOS Implementers also function as coaches. They serve as the third-party observer to the operation of your business. EOS Implementers help you see what you can’t from your perspective of being on the inside. An EOS Implementer will coach you, hold you accountable, and make you get more out of yourself than you thought possible.
Are You Destined to Be an EOS Implementer?
An EOS Implementer isn’t a role you choose. You can’t just wake up one morning and decide this role might be something you could be good at. To be an EOS Implementer, it has to be in your DNA.
Passion for helping entrepreneurs get more out of their businesses so they can live their ideal lives has to be the cornerstone of your identity. You don’t choose it. It chooses you.
Learn more about becoming an EOS Implementer.
Integrators are the organizational glue. Their job is to make it happen. This person might also be known as the company president, general manager, or COO. Integrators work with a Visionary to make their dream a reality.
At the core, Integrators integrate the major functions of the organization. They manage the day-to-day issues and hold the organization’s people, processes, systems, priorities, and strategies together.
How do you know if you’re an Integrator? Integrators typically share some common traits like:
- Personally accountable
- Adept at self-management
- Decisive
- Good at planning and organizing
Learn more about being an Integrator
A Visionary is an idea generator, an entrepreneur, a creator, a founder. Externally, they’re referred to by titles like owner, founder, CEO, or chairman. Visionaries see the future. They’re connected to the market and drive innovation. Visionaries are creative problem solvers who are extremely passionate about their vision for the business.
How can you tell if you’re a Visionary? You:
- Always see the big picture
- Have a finger on the pulse of the industry and market
- Manage big external relationships
- Inspire people
- Create the company vision and protect it
The Crystallizer Assessment™
The characteristics of Integrators and Visionaries we’ve listed above are just the beginning of long lists of traits that make each type of person who they are. To find out for certain whether you’re an Integrator, a Visionary, or neither, take the Crystallizer Assessment.