David Baughman

What is the name of your organization?
Wellflex Energy Solutions

How long has your organization been operating with Rocket Fuel?
2.5 Years

What does your organization specialize in?
We design and manufacture modular equipment for Upstream Oilfield E&P companies such as Exxon, Noble, EOG, and Oxy. Traditionally, equipment such as pipe racks, vessels, manifolds, and tanks are built on-site at the oil well location piece-by-piece, which utilizes a large number of workers. They work for countless hours constructing these skid packages in all types of weather with a 25% budget overrun. Our products are built in our factories and then assembled like Legos in the field. What takes them 6-8 weeks takes us 2-3 days. Our delivery to customer expectations has been 100% over the last two years and our quality record is zero defect in the field since October 2018. We are the leaders in Modular oilfield equipment and Lean Manufacturing in our market.

What is one piece of advice you would give a Visionary and/or IntegratorTM?
Rigidly hold and execute Same Page MeetingsTM. Ensure that when they complete the meeting, they go forward with the same message and agree 100% on strategy, direction, and message for all to see. INTEGRATORTM What was your life like before and after you began operating with Rocket Fuel? We implemented EOS®, on my 6th day on the job. So Rocket Fuel has been with me the entire time at Wellflex. It was hectic for the first 6 months as we put it in place. Prior to Wellflex, and Rocket Fuel, my roles were similar but harder. At times, I struggled to keep the team working on the right goals and we may not have had the right folks in the right seats. Wish I knew about Rocket Fuel then.

What is ONE thing that impacted you the most from being part of Rocket Fuel University?
The meeting pulse for managing a weekly staff meeting cadence and format really drive honest, fruitful discussion of the issues. When done correctly, things get done.

What has been the biggest benefit of using Rocket Fuel?
For Wellflex, it has been the implementation of the accountability chart, to truly ensure we had the right team in place and were able to work as one.

Rocket Fuel supports all of the great Visionaries & Integrators who are making impacts across the globe. Our featured spotlights are chosen based on member engagement & interaction inside our Rocket Fuel University community.

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OCTOBER 16, 2024


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